(NO ONE CAN SEE ME) your science has failed you all Nations and kingdoms tanakh Isaiah 47:10-11(God NOT lie too any of you) here I come Hamas for ALL children as God warned that be! Cheers Lord mashhit…

(NO ONE CAN SEE ME) your science has failed you all Nations and kingdoms tanakh Isaiah 47:10-11(God NOT lie too any of you) here I come Hamas for ALL children as God warned that be! Cheers Lord mashhit…

Cheer’s Lord mashhit gods (CHAZCHAZIT)

W.W. Wescott, tr. (1887)

The Twelfth Path is the Intelligence of Transparency, because it is that species of Magnificence., called CHAZCHAZIT, which is named the place whence issues the vision of those seeing in apparitions. (That is, the prophecies by seers in a vision.) http://www.sacred-texts.com/jud/yetzirah.htm

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About king Enoch SAR ha-padim holy Quran surah 114:2

Father's TIME holy Quran surah 114:3, all will CURSE creator God my father... lov king Enoch sar ha-padim
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